– By Ajitha James

1 Peter 2:7
They asked each other, “Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb ” – Mark 16:3
The above verse is a clear picture of the sheer determination of three women who choose to keep walking towards a stone that they can’t roll away. Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices to anoint the body of Jesus. Jesus died on the cross, disciples were dejected and didn’t have thought of the custom of anointing the body with spices.
They knew the obstacle of a big stone that is way beyond their physical capability. Why did Mark specifically mention these women and their names and what is special about these women?
They choose to continue their journey towards the destination. It is not only their determination but their phenomenal love for Jesus that made it possible for them. It’s true that the entire household of disciples was weakened in their faith, but STRONG love was a catalyst to propel their walk.
The reality of darkness was set in front of them which made them question “who will roll?” But I assume, they decided they would find an option after reaching the tomb, so they kept walking. At times, When we know an obstacle is huge, collecting the broken pieces of our emotions and feelings, making the choice to continue the journey is significant. That would flip the end result. That triggers the supernatural to witness a miracle
These women expected to see a dead body, but Jesus has risen and they witnessed the power of resurrection. Irrespective of the obstacle set in front of you, are you still walking in a determination that there is an angel to roll away the stone? If there is anything holding behind, look unto the author and finisher of our faith Jesus and keep running the race. These women were marked in history, likewise, God will have a greater purpose to be fulfilled through everyone who is making the decision to continue the race with phenomenal Love and determination.