That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.

– By Praveena Karun

Philemon 6 New Century Version I pray that the faith you share may make you understand every blessing we have in Christ.

Philemon 1:6

Paul in his nature was not a gifted speaker or an impressive personality. 2 Cor 10:10 provides us insight into what the others thought of Paul

“For they say, His letters are weighty and impressive and forceful and telling, but his personality and bodily presence are weak, and his speech and delivery are utterly contemptible (of no account).”

But what Paul lacked in the natural the spirit of God more than made up in the supernatural. Paul kept aside his emotions and fears and spoke out what the spirit prompted Him. He kept his message simple and Christ-focused. He had the most successful ministry because He tapped into the spirit of God and not what the worldly wisdom said or even what his own mind/wisdom said. He kept his faith in the power of God. Amen!! Paul is himself a superb example of God using the foolish to shame the worldly-wise thru the working of His spirit. Let us all be encouraged today and rest aside our wisdom about ourselves and put our faith in God’s power and Spirit which He gave us so freely to understand and know all the free gifts He has empowered us with. What do we have in the natural that qualifies us for all the blessings of God? Absolutely nothing, yet we are the head and not the tail, above and not beneath in Him. Praise God! As in 1Cor 2:15, the spirit-filled person is able to get a deeper understanding of the things of God and operate in them to receive favor from all quarters while those of the world cannot understand him/her. This is the beauty of God’s Grace, it will make us stand out, and the world will wonder why. Amen. Today lay aside all shortcomings and place your faith in His Power to accomplish all that he has called you too! Be Blessed in Jesus Name.

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