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Bible Promises on "ZECHARIAH"
Zechariah 2:5 New Century Version (NCV)
I will be a wall of fire around it,’ says the Lord. ‘And I will be the glory within it.’
Zechariah 4:6 New Century Version (NCV)
Then he told me, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘You will not succeed by your own strength or by your own power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord All-Powerful.
Zechariah 4:7 New Century Version (NCV)
“Who are you, big mountain? In front of Zerubbabel you will become flat land, and he will bring out the topmost stone, shouting, ‘It’s beautiful! It’s beautiful!’”
Zechariah 8:12 New Century Version (NCV)
“They will plant their seeds in peace, their grapevines will have fruit, the ground will give good crops, and the sky will send rain. I will give all this to the people who are left alive.
Zechariah 9:12
New Century Version
You prisoners who have hope,
return to your place of safety.
Today I am telling you
that I will give you back twice as much as before.