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Bible Promises on "PEACE"
Isaiah 54:13
New Century Version
All your children will be taught by the Lord,
and they will have much peace.
Isaiah 9:6
New Century Version
A child has been born to us;
God has given a son to us.
He will be responsible for leading the people.
His name will be Wonderful Counselor, Powerful God,
Father Who Lives Forever, Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 60:20
New Century Version
Your sun will never set again,
and your moon will never be dark,
because the Lord will be your light forever,
and your time of sadness will end.
Luke 2:14
New Century Version
“Give glory to God in heaven,
and on earth let there be peace among the people who please God.”
Matthew 5:9
New Century Version
They are blessed who work for peace,
for they will be called God’s children.
Psalm 19:11
New Century Version
By them your servant is warned.
Keeping them brings great reward.
Romans 15:13
New Century Version
I pray that the God who gives hope will fill you with much joy and peace while you trust in him. Then your hope will overflow by the power of the Holy Spirit.
1 Thessalonians 4:11
New Century Version
Do all you can to live a peaceful life. Take care of your own business, and do your own work as we have already told you.
John 20:21
New Century Version
Then Jesus said again, “Peace be with you. As the Father sent me, I now send you.”
Ecclesiastes 10:4
New Century Version
Don’t leave your job
just because your boss is angry with you.
Remaining calm solves great problems.
Genesis 22:14
New Century Version
So Abraham named that place The Lord Provides. Even today people say, “On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided.”
Isaiah 42:6-7
New Century Version
The Lord says, “I, the Lord, called you to do right,
and I will hold your hand
and protect you.
You will be the sign of my agreement with the people,
a light to shine for all people.
You will help the blind to see.
You will free those who are in prison,
and you will lead those who live in darkness out of their prison.
Isaiah 30:15
New Century Version
This is what the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, says:
“If you come back to me and trust me, you will be saved.
If you will be calm and trust me, you will be strong.”
But you don’t want to do that.
Isaiah 32:18
New Century Version
My people will live in peaceful places
and in safe homes
and in calm places of rest.
Isaiah 54:10
New Century Version
The mountains may disappear,
and the hills may come to an end,
but my love will never disappear;
my promise of peace will not come to an end,”
says the Lord who shows mercy to you.
Isaiah 57:19
New Century Version
I will give peace, real peace, to those far and near,
and I will heal them,” says the Lord.
Judges 6:24
New Century Version
So Gideon built an altar there to worship the Lord and named it The Lord Is Peace. It still stands at Ophrah, where the Abiezrites live.
Luke 1:78-79
New Century Version
With the loving mercy of our God,
a new day from heaven will dawn upon us.
It will shine on those who live in darkness,
in the shadow of death.
It will guide us into the path of peace.”
Proverbs 3:6
New Century Version
Remember the Lord in all you do,
and he will give you success.
Psalm 37:7
New Century Version
Wait and trust the Lord.
Don’t be upset when others get rich
or when someone else’s plans succeed.
Proverbs 3:24
New Century Version
When you lie down, you won’t be afraid;
when you lie down, you will sleep in peace.
Psalm 23:2
New Century Version
He lets me rest in green pastures.
He leads me to calm water.
Psalm 23:3
New Century Version
He gives me new strength.
He leads me on paths that are right
for the good of his name.
Psalm 116:7
New Century Version
I said to myself, “Relax,
because the Lord takes care of you.”
Psalm 27:14
New Century Version
Wait for the Lord’s help.
Be strong and brave,
and wait for the Lord’s help.
1 Timothy 2:2 New Century Version (NCV)
Pray for rulers and for all who have authority so that we can have quiet and peaceful lives full of worship and respect for God.
Isaiah 54:10 New Century Version (NCV)
The mountains may disappear,
and the hills may come to an end,
but my love will never disappear;
my promise of peace will not come to an end,”
says the Lord who shows mercy to you.
Ephesians 2:1-9 New Century Version (NCV)
In the past you were spiritually dead because of your sins and the things you did against God. Yes, in the past you lived the way the world lives, following the ruler of the evil powers that are above the earth. That same spirit is now working in those who refuse to obey God. In the past all of us lived like them, trying to please our sinful selves and doing all the things our bodies and minds wanted. We should have suffered God’s anger because we were sinful by nature. We were the same as all other people.
But God’s mercy is great, and he loved us very much. Though we were spiritually dead because of the things we did against God, he gave us new life with Christ. You have been saved by God’s grace. And he raised us up with Christ and gave us a seat with him in the heavens. He did this for those in Christ Jesus so that for all future time he could show the very great riches of his grace by being kind to us in Christ Jesus. I mean that you have been saved by grace through believing. You did not save yourselves; it was a gift from God. It was not the result of your own efforts, so you cannot brag about it.
Exodus 14:14 New Century Version (NCV)
14 You only need to remain calm; the Lord will fight for you.”
James 3:17 New Century Version (NCV)
17 But the wisdom that comes from God is first of all pure, then peaceful, gentle, and easy to please. This wisdom is always ready to help those who are troubled and to do good for others. It is always fair and honest.
Psalm 29:11 New Century Version (NCV)
The Lord gives strength to his people;
the Lord blesses his people with peace.
Zephaniah 3:17 New Century Version (NCV)
The Lord your God is with you;
the mighty One will save you.
He will rejoice over you.
You will rest in his love;
he will sing and be joyful about you.”
Isaiah 43:18 New Century Version (NCV)
The Lord says, “Forget what happened before,
and do not think about the past.