Bible Promises in the book of "EXODUS"
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Bible Promises in the book of "Exodus"
Exodus 3:14 New Century Version (NCV)
Then God said to Moses, “I am who I am. When you go to the people of Israel, tell them, ‘I am sent me to you.’”
Exodus 6:7 New Century Version (NCV)
I will make you my own people, and I will be your God. You will know that I am the Lord your God, the One who saves you from the hard work the Egyptians force you to do.
Exodus 14:13 New Century Version (NCV)
But Moses answered, “Don’t be afraid! Stand still and you will see the Lord save you today. You will never see these Egyptians again after today.
Exodus 14:14 New Century Version (NCV)
You only need to remain calm; the Lord will fight for you.”
Exodus 15:26-27 New Century Version (NCV)
He said, “You must obey the Lord your God and do what he says is right. If you obey all his commands and keep his rules, I will not bring on you any of the sicknesses I brought on the Egyptians. I am the Lord who heals you.”
Then the people traveled to Elim, where there were twelve springs of water and seventy palm trees. So the people camped there near the water.
Exodus 17:15 New Century Version (NCV)
Then Moses built an altar and named it The Lord Is My Banner.
Exodus 20:12 New Century Version (NCV)
“Honor your father and your mother so that you will live a long time in the land that the Lord your God is going to give you.
Exodus 23:20 New Century Version (NCV)
“I am sending an angel ahead of you, who will protect you as you travel. He will lead you to the place I have prepared.
Exodus 23:22 New Century Version (NCV)
If you listen carefully to all he says and do everything that I tell you, I will be an enemy to your enemies. I will fight all who fight against you.
Exodus 33:22 New Century Version (NCV)
When my glory passes that place, I will put you in a large crack in the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by.
Exodus 34:21 New Century Version (NCV)
“You must work for six days, but on the seventh day you must rest—even during the planting season and the harvest season.
Exodus 35:5-8 New Century Version (NCV)
From what you have, take an offering for the Lord. Let everyone who is willing bring this offering to the Lord: gold, silver, bronze, blue, purple and red thread, and fine linen, goat hair and male sheepskins that are colored red. They may also bring fine leather, acacia wood, olive oil for the lamps, spices for the special olive oil used for appointing priests and for the sweet-smelling incense,
Exodus 23:25 New Century Version (NCV)
If you worship the Lord your God, I will bless your bread and your water. I will take away sickness from you.
Exodus 15:26
New Century Version
He said, “You must obey the Lord your God and do what he says is right. If you obey all his commands and keep his rules, I will not bring on you any of the sicknesses I brought on the Egyptians. I am the Lord who heals you.”
Exodus 34:6-7 New Century Version (NCV)
The Lord passed in front of Moses and said, “I am the Lord. The Lord is a God who shows mercy, who is kind, who doesn’t become angry quickly, who has great love and faithfulness and is kind to thousands of people. The Lord forgives people for evil, for sin, and for turning against him, but he does not forget to punish guilty people. He will punish not only the guilty people, but also their children, their grandchildren, their great-grandchildren, and their great-great-grandchildren.”
Exodus 23:26
New Century Version
None of your women will have her baby die before it is born, and all women will have children. I will allow you to live long lives.