Bible Promises/Bible Scriptures on 1 Samuel
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Bible Promises in the book of
" 1 Samuel"
1 Samuel 12:22 New Century Version (NCV)
For his own sake, the Lord won’t leave his people. Instead, he was pleased to make you his own people.
1 Samuel 25:30 New Century Version (NCV)
The Lord will keep all his promises of good things for you. He will make you leader over Israel.
1 Samuel 10:6 New Century Version (NCV)
Then the Spirit of the Lord will rush upon you with power. You will prophesy with these prophets, and you will be changed into a different man.
1 Samuel 14:6 New Century Version (NCV)
Jonathan said to his officer who carried his armor, “Come. Let’s go to the camp of those men who are not circumcised. Maybe the Lord will help us. The Lord can give us victory if we have many people, or just a few.”
1 Samuel 16:7 New Century Version (NCV)
But the Lord said to Samuel, “Don’t look at how handsome Eliab is or how tall he is, because I have not chosen him. God does not see the same way people see. People look at the outside of a person, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
1 Samuel 17:45 New Century Version (NCV)
But David said to him, “You come to me using a sword and two spears. But I come to you in the name of the Lord All-Powerful, the God of the armies of Israel! You have spoken against him.