Chris Karun hails from Tamil Nadu, India from a family of four and now lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, USA.
He has been through struggles early on with the loss of his father and family responsibilities on him, which only served to strengthen his faith and love for the Lord. It motivated him to share the encouragement he has received innumerable times from the Word of God to as many people as he can.

He has always had a hobby of photography and a few years ago he was led to develop this talent. Being always drawn to visual media, he realized that it was a very powerful tool in spreading the gospel. A new job that he took up in 2010 involved a lot of travel both by air and road and he used those thousands of hours of travel time to listen to teaching by different pastors and bible teachers from various parts of the world.
He had a constant hunger to learn more of the Word and studied and meditated what the Lord was teaching him through those men of God. He is very grateful to each one of them.

The Lord gave Chris a vision to combine his passions; photography and the thirst to share His Word. Accordingly while sharing photos of family vacations to Alaska, Italy, Hawaii in 2011, he added scriptures to the pictures. In the early hours of January 12, 2012, God gave him a vision and a name for the ministry.
The same day “GraceToday” was launched on Facebook sharing his photographs with promises from scripture. By the grace of God, it was well-received not only by family and friends but by many viewers across the globe. This encouraged him to do the same in other languages i.e. Spanish, French, and Tamil also in Facebook blessing many more people all over the world.

Now GraceToday has more than 1000 bible promises printed on photographs beautifully captured by Chris during his trips with his family to various countries and unique places around the world.
Under the guidance of the Lord Holy Spirit, what started as a ministry of biblical promises with photographs, expanded to include biblical confessions and prayers for various needs, collection of praises to the Lord based on scriptures, worship videos, inspiring messages by various preachers and much more that would help the spiritual growth of every person who visits this website empowering them to increase in grace and knowledge of the Lord.

Other than photography Chris enjoys travel, music, cricket, video editing, and spending time with family and friends.
His wife Praveena with her love and support has been a pillar of strength to him. She loves reading, worshipping, and traveling with Chris and their two beautiful children. As a family, they are actively involved in their local church, Redemption, San Jose.
They also run a travel blog, Blessed2Travel and a photography business, ChrisKarunPhotography

As a family, we are so thankful for the following ministries. We have immensely learned and benefited from all these different ministries: