I recognize and believe that there is only one true and living God who exists as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
I recognize that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the Word who became flesh and dwelt among us. I believe that He came to destroy the works of the devil and that He disarmed the rulers and authorities and made a public display of them having triumphed over them.
I have been created in the image and likeness of God. I have been given dominion over all the earth and over every living thing. I will be and do all that God has destined for me because I am His handiwork created in Christ Jesus for good works.
I have been delivered from the power of darkness and translated into the Kingdom of God’s dear Son therefore Satan has no power over me.
God has redeemed me from the control of darkness and He has seated me in heavenly places with Christ, far above all rule, and authority and dominion. In obedience, I will take up my authority, speak God’s Word, and rest in the power of His Word.
For I will present my body as a living sacrifice to God – holy, devoted, and consecrated to please Him, which is a part of my spiritual worship to Him. I will not be conformed to this world’s way of thinking, but I will continually be transformed by the renewing of my mind. For I have the mind of Christ.
I have been made to be a kingdom and priest to serve my God and to reign and rule on the earth.
Therefore, I will rise up in the authority of who I am in Christ Jesus and I will exercise that authority in my sphere of influence. I also take authority over every demonic assignment against my life. I push back the enemy in the name of Jesus. For the word says if I resist the devil he will flee from me.
I am a child of the Most High God and I declare that because of God’s unlimited resources, I will be empowered with inner strength through his Spirit; Christ will make his home in my heart as I trust in him; and my roots will go down deep into God’s love and keep me strong.
For I declare that His mighty power is at work within me, to accomplish infinitely more than I might ask or think. So, I choose to be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. I put no confidence in the flesh, for the weapons of my warfare are not carnal or of my flesh, but divinely powerful to the pulling down of strongholds.