– By Praveena Karun

Isaiah 41:18
I will make rivers flow on the dry hills
and springs flow through the valleys.
I will change the desert into a lake of water
and the dry land into fountains of water. Isaiah 41:18
In this day and age most of us have never experienced thirst for a few hours let alone days. The conveniences of the modern world, allows us to turn on the faucet to get all the water we need. But would it be fair to say we can’t relate to the agony of a parched dry land eagerly waiting for those first showers? Definitely not! Why, because we experience thirst in various different forms. A heartbreaking emotional thirst, when relationships turn sour or loved ones disappoint us. Financial thirst when we run paycheck to paycheck every month. Anticipatory thirst when we are waiting on something for a long time like a life partner, a baby. Physical thirst when our sickness or health issues plague us. The thirst for failure, when whatever we attempt doesn’t succeed and all doors seem to be closed. The list goes on but rests assured there is One, who can quench any form, shape, or size of thirst! Our savior floods our souls with an abundance of living waters that mend cracks caused by dryness, soften our hardened hearts, plow our sandy gravelly soil, and make it fertile. Thus we can bear fruit and are a welcoming oasis to other weary sojourners. No matter what your thirst this day, be encouraged to draw near to our life-giving fountain, the Lord to energize your weary mind, heal your broken spirit and renew your faith, hope in Him! Run the race that is before you and never give up (Heb 12:1) for through our Savior we will be victorious! Have a great day. God Bless!